Using the HTTP API

The HTTP API provides functionality to perform various of different HTTP related queries.

Basic usage of the API:

const response = context.httpAPI()
if (response.succeeded()) {
    const data = response.bodyText();

Example how to use the HTTP API to POST a JSON structure including adding custom request headers.

const theObject = {};
const response = context.httpAPI()
    .header('A Header', 'Some Value')
    .authorization('Bearer ABCDEF') // Same as setting the header 'Authorization' to the value
    .acceptsJson() // Same as setting the header 'Accept' to 'application/json'
if (response.succeeded()) {
    const data = response.bodyText();

If you have some common endpoints often called, these could be declared as destinations within the Administration UI. Each destination is given a unique name that you refer to from the code. The benefits to use destinations are:

  • Less code in the configuration

  • The definition of the endpoint is declared in one place only.

    • Easy to update and adopt to changes

  • Authorization details can be configured instead of expressed in code

  • You can override or configure the request further on in the code.

    • For example many services uses the same base URL and authentication but there are variations in the URL and/or in the request data passed.

    // configure request more..

Read more about named destinations here.

URL Builder / Path Variables

Using the URL builder to construct URLs:

const response = context.httpAPI()
    .url() // urlbuilder
    .replacePathVariables({ 'ID' : '1234', 'TYPE' : 'Item'})
    .param('param1', 'value1')
    .and() // complete urlbuilder