
Below are the primary steps necessary for setting up Exchange Hub system to integrate with the 3DEXPERIENCE platform and utilize the built-in use cases facilitated by the TIF Cloud TX connector.

App Integrations

Step 1: Create Integrations

To create an Integration, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the admin application in Exchange Hub.

  2. Click on the Integrations tab.

  3. Click on the "+" icon in the table to add a new integration.

    TX App Integration 1
  4. Fill in form details.

    Field Description

    System ID

    Enter a unique identifier for the system.

    Backend URL

    Provide the URL of the TIF system that TX will interact with.

    Backend Access Key

    Enter the TIF token used for authentication and authorization.

    Main Contact Email

    Provide the main contact email address for the system.


    Briefly describe the system.

    Enabled (Checkbox)

    Toggle to enable or disable the system (defaults to enabled).

  5. Click submit to create the Integration.

Step 2: Create Access Key

To create an Access Key, navigate to the created Integration by clicking the name in the table listing all Integrations under the Integrations tab in the admin application.When in the context of the Integration:

  1. Click on the Access Key tab.

  2. Click on the "+" icon in the table to add a new Access Key.

    TX App Integration 2
  3. Fill in form details.

    Field Description


    Brief text description of the key.

    Valid From

    Start date from which the key is valid.

    Valid To

    End date until which the key is valid.

    Enabled (Checkbox)

    Toggle to enable or disable the key. Defaults to enabled (true).

  4. Click "Submit" to create the Access Key.

TX App Integration 3

After the access key is created, a dialog box will appear displaying the API key. Copy the API key from the dialog and keep it secure. Note that the API key cannot be copied or viewed again after closing this dialog.

Step 3: Create Events

To create an Event, navigate to the created Integration by clicking the name in the table listing all Integrations under the Integrations tab in the admin application.When in the context of the Integration:

  1. Click on the Events tab.

  2. Click on the "+" icon in the table to add a new Event.

    TX App Integration 4
  3. Fill in form details.

    Field Description


    A brief description of the event configuration.

    Enabled (Checkbox)

    Toggle to enable or disable the event configuration. Defaults to enabled (true).


    The specific endpoint URL where the event request will be sent.

    Authorization Header

    The request header used for authorization, created within the TIF application.

    Header value

    The value of the authorization header, containing a token created within the TIF application.

    Event Type

    The type of event triggering the integration.

    Scheme Types

    Multiple schema types associated with the event.

  4. Click "Submit" to create the event.