Installation and Configurations


Go to Extensions → Marketplace → Search for extension Dynamics 365 FO Connector → Click the install action in "actions" menu

Extension Installation 1
Extension Installation 2
Extension Installation 3
Extension Installation 4
Extension Installation 5
Extension Installation 6


Configuration properties are pre-populated which user can modify as per the requirement. There are different tabs like CONNECTION, DATA SETTINGS, ENDPOINTS, ITEM-ATTRIBUTES, MAPPINGS, MFG-ATTRIBUTES from which the user can configure the properties as shown below.

Configure the following properties from Extensions → Settings.


In this tab, there are 2 sections 3DEXPERIENCE Agent and Jira. User need to configure 3DEXPERIENCE Agent ID/Secret under 3DEXPERIENCE Agent section and under Jira section need to fill the required details to connect with Jira.

Setting Description Example


3DEXPERIENCE agent id for Extension.


3DEXPERIENCE Agent secret

3DEXPERIENCE agent secret for Extension.


Setting Description Example

Base URL

Login URL of the Jira.

Jira Tenant ID

Tenant ID which need to be connected with TIF cloud.


User Login Name

User name.


User Login Password

Credentials to login


Base URL to Jira, Jira Tenant ID, User Name, Password, 3DEXPERIENCE Agent id, 3DEXPERIENCE Agent secret need to be set by the user.
Figure 1. Connection

Data Settings

In this tab user can configure the properties which are required to generate the payload. There are different sections under Data Settings tab which helps user to understand and configure the properties.

Change Action
Setting Description Example

Object link for change action

URI to launch Change Execution App in 3DDashboard.

https://<Tenant name>

Setting Description Example

Object link for task

URI to launch Change Execution App in 3DDashboard.

https://<Tenant name>

Setting Description Example

Object link for issue

URI to launch Change Execution App in 3DDashboard.

https://<Tenant name>

To configure the Object link follow the steps mentioned below.

  • Open the 3DDashboard.

  • Access the Change Execution/Issue Management/ Collaborative tasks app.

  • Right-click on the any object.

  • Select "Copy Link" from the available options.

  • Paste the copied link up-to the content:X3DContentId= as shown in the example.

Data Settings


In this tab user can configure the endpoints where payload needs to be sent to the Jira.

Setting Description Example

Send Details URI

Destination to send details to Jira.




Service corresponds to a job queue. Every event mapping needs to specify to which service it belongs. A service can be configured to run its jobs in sequence OR parallel execution. Either create a single service to handle all the events or create separate services for each event mapping.

For more details please check Service

Event Mapping

Event mapping holds the information about which use-case needs to be executed when the event is received. It is a binding between the event and job-request. Need to enable what events needs to be published from the DS tenant using Event Publishing app.

Example of configured events publishing are as follows.
Engineering item → Created, Status Changed, Versioned, etc…​

DS Event Publishing

Following event mappings are available out of the box.

Event Category Events Description



gets invoked on creation of an issue in DS tenant.


Status Changed (Closed)

gets invoked on close of an issue in DS tenant.



gets invoked on creation of task in DS tenant.


Status Changed (Complete)

gets invoked on completion of task in DS tenant.

Change Action


gets invoked on creation of change action in DS tenant.

Change Action

Status Changed (Complete)

gets invoked on completion of change action in DS tenant.

For more details please check DS Event Mappings

In general, Jira connector use-case uses the below javascript classes.

Class Description

Use case invoker

Configured with the event mapping to invoke the use case on receiving the event.


Responsible for execution and to generate the payload.


Responsible to generate the authentication token to connect with the destinations.


Responsible to get the destination details from environment variable and connect.


Logs the steps which is executed.


It has the methods to build the payload for Jira for different use cases.


Responsible to provide some common utility functionalities