
Below are the primary steps necessary for setting up MS Dynamics 365 BC system to integrate with the 3DEXPERIENCE platform and utilize the built-in use cases facilitated by the TIF Cloud D365 BC connector.

App Installation

Step 1

The file includes the VS Code project and a installable .app-file. The app-file can be found here

D365 BC App Installation 1

Step 2

Use above app file for installation in Business Central. As an installation example: In BC search for extensions and choose extension management:

D365 BC App Installation 2

Step 3

In the extension management chose Manage→Upload Extension.

D365 BC App Installation 3

Step 4

In the popup view select the app-file and agree on the security/privacy and press Deploy. should look something like this:

D365 BC App Installation 4
  • Wait for the deployment, you can check the status in the Installation Status menu option.

D365 BC App Installation 5

Standard BC Table Changes

Extended table “Document Attachment” with field 50100 – Version Code – Code[20]. This change is done to be able to store documents on Production BOMs and Productions BOM Versions.

Standard BC Page Changes

Extended pages Production BOM and Production BOM Version. Both of these pages have been added a factbox for displaying stored documents and for integration to interact with via ODATA.

D365 BC Configuration 1

Standard BC Enum Change

To be able to separate Production BOMs from Production BOM Versions new values for the standard enum "Attachment Document Type" have been added. These new values are ID 50100 – Prod Header and 50101 – Prod Version.

New Pages

API Pages

Page ID 50100,50101 and 50103 is used for integration with Production BOMs and Document Attachment via BC API.

Page ID 50104 is a new integration page for adding new documents to Production BOMs and Versions.

50105 is new pages for showing Document Attachments on Production BOM and Version.

D365 BC Configuration 1