All Classes and Interfaces
Data implementation holding binary content as a byte array in memory.
Builder for ByteArrayData instances.
Represents a Configuration instance
The configuration resolver is used to resolve other Configuration instances.
Custom executors can implement this interface in order to provide validation
Holds the result from a validation call.
The converter API contains various methods for converting files between
different formats.
Contains various methods to configure the PDF conversion request.
Holds the result of the PDF conversion
Configures the PDF conversion itself.
Contains information about a document to be merged
Contains methods that allows you to merge the main document with for example
a title page and/or ending page.
Specify PDF signing settings
Contains common settings for both image and text based watermarks.
Contains Image based watermark specific settings
Defines watermark settings
Contains text based watermark specific settings.
Used to declare properties to be set on a document
Holds some secret credentials data.
A Data instance holds data associated with a job.
A Data reference is a reference to o Data instance.
API for reading and storing Data instances.
A Data object is associated with a type, such as if the data is representing
outbound data, inbound data or some other kind of data such as generated /
converted data.
API to access the DS REST API.
This service helps out when working with documents and files from TIAS.
Holds various DSX URLs that is required to know when accessing the DS tenant.
Holds environmental data that is needed in the Executor.
When executing an integration job, the ExecutionContext provides access to
various services and APIs needed to conduct for example HTTP calls,
performing JSON serialization or deserialization, access data from the
3DEXPERIENCE platform via the DSX-REST API's or performing some conversion or
other computation.
Execution exception can be thrown from an executor in order to capture
execution exceptions.
Contains methods to access all necessary input data for the current Job.
Holds the result of the job execution.
An Executor is responsible for executing the logic of an integration job in
the TIF Cloud platform.
A logger that is used to associate messages of different kind to a job.
This API provides the executing code with details of the extension, which the
code belongs to.
A simple http API that can be used to invoke remote services in an easy
Headers API
Represents a response, where the data is kept in a LocalFile.
Represents the available Http Methods
Builder used to create multi-part form-data requests, e.g.
Represents a query string parameter value
Declares common methods for adding parameters to be part of the POST request.
Request API
API for building a request.
Standard HTTP response API
Contains common response related information
API for building a URL.
An in-memory representation of a Data instance.
Base class for various builder implementation that builds Data instances
Represents the input data that for example is passed along when a job is
being created.
Contains various methods for spawning new jobs or request information from
other jobs.
Job request is the object used to perform the actual job-request with.
This builder is used to build/setup new JobRequest instances.
Contains data from the job request message.
Contains various common JSON related tasks such as serialize and deserialize
JSON data.
API for storing/handling files temporarily during a job execution.
LocalFile API
A macro resolver is capable of resolving dynamic values from a string.
Contains data from the source event that triggered this job.
Data implementation for String based data.
Builder for StringData instances.
This API provides various methods commonly used by job execution code.
Contains various methods to perform XML / XSLT / XPATH related operations.
Represents a result from an XML transformation.
Declares different kind of XPath return types.
Writes XML documents.