Interface EngItemService

public interface EngItemService
Encapsulates service calls related to Engineering Item(s).

In general, if some exception occurs when you execute the remote calls, an exception of type HttpError may be thrown. Note that this is an unchecked exception.

  • Method Details

    • toReferable toReferable(com.technia.dsx.common.TenantSession session, EngItem engItem)
      Returns an object that can be used to reference the specified EngItem
      session - The current session
      engItem -
    • search

      @Remote(READ) EngItemSearchResult<? extends EngItem> search(com.technia.dsx.common.TenantSession session, String searchString, EngItemMask mask, Integer maxResult, Integer skip)
      Performs a search for Engineering Items
      session - The current session
      searchString - The search string (null allowed)
      mask - The search mask (null allowed, implies DEFAULT)
      maxResult - The max nr of hits (null allowed, implies 10?)
      skip - Used for paginated results.
      The result
    • create

      @Remote(CREATE) List<? extends EngItem> create(com.technia.dsx.common.TenantSession session, CreateEngItemsData createInput, EngItemMask mask, EngItemField... fields)
      Creates one or more Engineering Items.
      session - The current session
      createInput - The input used to create the item / items.
      mask - Defines type of return data
      fields - Optional fields to return
      A Collection of engineering item instances (or sub type there of depending on the selected mask).
    • read

      @Remote(READ) EngItem read(com.technia.dsx.common.TenantSession session, String itemId, EngItemMask mask, EngItemField... fields)
      Read/loads an Engineering Item.

      Note: Depending on the mask argument, the returned instance will be of different sub-types. See example below: EngItem.

      session - The current session
      itemId - The id of the Engineering Item to read
      mask - Defines type of return data
      fields - Optional fields to return
      An engineering item instance (or sub type there of depending on the selected mask).
    • readDetails

      @Remote(READ) default EngItem.Details readDetails(com.technia.dsx.common.TenantSession session, String itemId, boolean allFields)

      Convenient method that loads an Engineering Item with the details mask.

      session -
      itemId -
      allFields -
    • update

      @Remote(UPDATE) EngItem update(com.technia.dsx.common.TenantSession session, String itemId, EngItemModifyData data, EngItemMask mask, EngItemField... fields)
      Updates a single Engineering Item object.
      session - The current session
      itemId - The id of the Engineering Item to read
      data - The data specifying what to modify
      mask - Defines type of return data
      fields - Optional fields to return
      An engineering item instance (or sub type there of depending on the selected mask).
    • bulkRead

      @Remote(READ) EngItemBulkResult<? extends EngItem> bulkRead(com.technia.dsx.common.TenantSession session, Collection<String> itemIds, EngItemMask mask, EngItemField... fields)
      Get multiple Engineering Items which are Indexed. API Works only for Indexed Data. The customer attributes or enterprise extension attributes are returned only with default sixw mapping ds6wg:TypeName.AttributeName and it is not supported if the sixw predicate is changed.
      session - The current session
      itemIds - The ids of the Engineering Item to read
      mask - Defines type of return data
      fields - Optional fields to return
      The result
    • bulkUpdate

      @Remote(READ) EngItemBulkResult<? extends EngItem> bulkUpdate(com.technia.dsx.common.TenantSession session, Collection<EngItemBulkModifyData> data, EngItemMask mask, EngItemField... fields)
    • expand

      @Remote(READ) ExpandResult expand(com.technia.dsx.common.TenantSession session, String itemId, int expandDepth, List<String> objectTypeFilter, List<String> relationshipFilter)
      Expand Engineering Item based on the expandDepth and filter specified. By default, expandDepth is 1 and no filter is applied. Only the first 10000 results will be fetched with the default Mask dskern:Mask.Default applied (no option to change the Mask)

      For the type filter, the default value is "VPMReference" and authorised value: "VPMReference", "VPMRepReference" or any public subtypes of VPMReference and VPMRepReference (Drawing for example)

      For the relationship filter, the default value is "VPMInstance". Allowed values are "VPMInstance", "VPMRepInstance" or any public subtypes of VPMInstance and VPMRepInstance

      session - The current session
      itemId - The id of the item to expand
      expandDepth - The expand depth. -1 for all level, and 1,2,3,.. for specific level
      objectTypeFilter - The object type filter
      relationshipFilter - The relationship type filter
      The expand result
    • locate

      LocateEngItemsResult locate(com.technia.dsx.common.TenantSession session, String itemId, List<> referencedObjects)
      Gets where used Parent Engineering Item using indexed queries. Only the first 10000 results will be fetched with default response. no option to change the Mask.
      session - The current session
      itemId - The id of the item
      referencedObjects - .
    • delete

      @Remote(DELETE) void delete(com.technia.dsx.common.TenantSession session, String itemId)
      Deletes an Engineering Item
      session - The current session
      itemId - The id of the Engineering Item to delete