Interface ImportService

public interface ImportService
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  • Method Details

    • getCheckinTicket

      @Remote(CREATE) CheckinTicket getCheckinTicket(com.technia.dsx.common.TenantSession session, Integer maxNumberOfFiles)
    • checkinFiles

      @Remote(UPDATE) default ReceiptAndFileId checkinFiles(com.technia.dsx.common.TenantSession session, FileProvider fileProvider)
      Obtains a checkin-ticket and checks-in all the files provided by the given FileProvider
      session - The current tenant session
      fileProvider - The file provider, which will return the actual file content as well as the names of the files to be checked in.
      The checkin receipt and the ID's of all files checked-in. This information is used in the next phase when the import job is requested.
    • checkinFiles

      @Remote(UPDATE) ReceiptAndFileId checkinFiles(com.technia.dsx.common.TenantSession session, FileProvider fileProvider, CheckinTicket ticket, Integer fileOffset)
      Checks in the files to be processed by the import later on.

      If the ticket argument is null, a check-in ticket is established by calling the getCheckinTicket method. In that case, the number of files requested in the ticket will be equal to the FileProvider.getFileCount() value.

      The number of correlations/files the ticket contains specifies how many files that will be checked in.

      If you wish to parallelize the checkin you need to provide different checkin tickets and utilize the fileOffset argument.

      session - The current tenant session
      fileProvider - The file provider, which will return the actual file content as well as the names of the files to be checked in.
      ticket - Optional checkin ticket. If null, a new ticket will be requested.
      fileOffset - The offset to start file execution from. If null or negative, 0 is the default value
      The checkin receipt and the ID's of all files checked-in. This information is used in the next phase when the import job is requested.
    • requestImport

      @Remote(CREATE) requestImport(com.technia.dsx.common.TenantSession session, ImportInput input)
    • updateImport

      @Remote(UPDATE) void updateImport(com.technia.dsx.common.TenantSession session, String importId, AdditionalImportInput addInput)
    • submitImport

      @Remote(UPDATE) void submitImport(com.technia.dsx.common.TenantSession session, String importId)
    • retryImport

      @Remote(CREATE) retryImport(com.technia.dsx.common.TenantSession session, String importId)